Friday, December 7, 2012

Patterns/Bad Habits

1 Chronicles 4:9&10

Have you ever wondered "why are things going this way" or "why does this always happen to me" or do people complain or make comments to you about something that you are always doing? If you answered yes to any of these the you are on to something.

There are things that we do on a daily basis without even realizing that we do them... There are also somethings that we tend to do and people complain and make comments about them. For example the may have made comments like "why are you aways late" or "you are very undecisive" or "I can never tell when you are telling the truth" I may not even be in this form. You might have noticed certain things in your life that are just not right and are affecting your life negative. You are that person that when it comes to making important decisions about your life you find it difficult to make up your mind n exactly what you want to do so you keep changing your mind while tie passes. Perhaps you are that person who is has the reputation of being a perpetual late comer, you talk a lot or say what your are not supposed to and end up sabbotaging yourself. All of these are negative patterns and/or bad habits that need to be dealt with.

Take a look at the story of Jabez in 1 chronicles 4:9&10. His mother named his Jabez which means "I gave birth to him in pain" Everything in Jabez's life became painful to attain; he realized that this was a pattern in his life and it needed to be changed so he cried out to God and asked God to enlarge his territory and to keep him from harm so that he would be free from pain. Jabez realized that unless something was done about his situation he would never be able to get ahead in life not to talk of having a good pain free life.

I began to notice something about my life and situation that worried me and after talking to one or two friends i realized that this is not an issue that only i am experiencing but that everyone has patterns and bad habits in their life that's holding them back from reaching their potential and getting ahead in life. If this is you i URGE you to PLEASE cry out to God like Jabez did and ask him to take it away from you. Habit/Patters like these grow from being minor to major issues that could destroy a person's life. It is the prayer you pray now that works for you in the future. Take Care

From My Heart 2 Yours :-))


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